patch notes!
I'm so glad to be rid of the old tutorial pen. A long, long time ago, in an update far away, you could move the map on the x-axis, too, and upgrades were all over, and there were sign posts and the tutorial pen made sense, even if it was still sort of ugly. That's why it was called the tutorial pen in the first place! A tip pop-up appears and then you throw it into the tutorial pen like a cucco in Zelda or something.
But now it sucks and it's gone. This new menu and resource bar look spick as heck, except it is difficult to click and drag, so I may need to allow the map to be moved through the buttons (which will click them).
I'm going to re-work malignancy. It makes sense that everything produces a bit of it, since irl anything can give you cancer, but it doesn't fit in with the rules that every other LORED follows, so only the MALIGNANCY LORED will be able to produce any malignancy in the future. Yeesh.